
Kid's Ministries

Ruah Church Exists to spread the breath of God to cause freedom to the oppressed and to instill revival in the body of the Church.

Ruah Kids

Kids Church

Ru-ah Ministries conducts Sunday school for children during the Sunday service timing. Every child is so dearly loved and they are taught playfully about the savior. There are no words for the excitement and fun that our Ru-ah Kids have in the Lord. God loves them so much that He pours out His precious Holy Spirit on them. Pastor Alwin Thomas encourages little children to pray by providing them opportunities to pray before a large gathering during the mega Ruah Freedom concerts. Ruah kids are a blessing in the kingdom of the Lord.

Vacation Bible Celebration

Jesus said,” Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mathew 19: 14 Ru-ah Ministries holds on to this verse so much that during every summer vacation children in and around the church are taught about the Love of Jesus Christ and how they can live a holy life. There are no words for the excitement and fun that our Ru-ah Kids have in the Lord.

Ruah Vacation Bible School